Publisher's Synopsis
The world is changing so fast it is nearly impossible to keep up. Check out this video on This is the world now, what will it be like in a few years time. The internet is changing life as we know it. Your children are growing up in a Brave New World. And we the parents and your children's teachers are just not keeping up. Everything your children will learn at school, is available at the click of a mouse, or just a touch on a screen. But are they learning how to click a mouse or touch a screen. Are we really teaching them what they need to know to survive the future. To survive the future your children need to know how to read and read fast. We should be teaching them speed reading but at the moment we are still teaching them just to read. If they are learning phonics, so much the better. But can they understand what they are reading. Reading comprehension is the key to the internet. Nearly everything your children will do on the internet will have something to do with reading, understanding what they are reading and typing something. You have all this information at your fingertips because the internet is information, but your children have to read and understand to make use of it. Also to survive the future, your children have to be able to find the information they are looking for on the internet. And that means SEARCH. They must know how to search the internet to get the information they are looking for. These are the skills for the future. Are your children learning them? If your children can master these skills, they can find and understand everything they want to know. Everything else at school is just a click away. But your children can learn these two skills by themselves on the internet. There are learn to read programs on the internet. And you can search to find out how to search the internet. The Internet is changing everything we know and to keep up your children need to learn speed reading, fast typing and search as well as how to use the new programs that keep popping up regularly. Are they still teaching typing at your child's school? They should be. As the internet and the computer have taken over the new world old skills have to be retaught. Before when I was going to school we could learn to type, because if you were going into an office job then you had to know how to type. But over the years typing got left behind even now with the internet we are still not teaching typing. But you can get free downloadable typing programs so you can teach yourself. It might be an idea to make sure your kids can type because even though the Internet is video it is still text on the page. And to put text on the page you have to type.