Publisher's Synopsis
Assist students in gaining self awareness by focusing on their Values, Beliefs, Goals, Needs, Personality, and Learning Style. Students will complete exercises in this workshop and compare past behavior to current behavior. Students will be able to evaluate themselves and increase their self awareness along with gaining insight into the expectations of themselves, others and parole. - Gain information that will assist in identifying personal expectations.- Have a basic understanding of the requirements of parole and what theexpectations are.- Learn what "should and should not be" expected from family, friends andothers upon release.- Complete a personal data sheet, to be utilized when completing applications orfilling out other forms.- Assess identification, resource, housing and transportation needs.Students will generate plans for reaching financial independence and examine their personal barriers to financial security. Students will be provided with practical money management concepts and develop money management skills to assist with re-entry success.Students will gain information on skills used to develop a healthy life-style. Demonstrate knowledge and the characteristics of decision making. Gain information and develop life- skills that provide guidance on: - Retaining or maintaining control over some aspects of their lives.- Managing feelings, thoughts and emotions that affect behavior- Gathering information and skills for effectively communicating their needs.- Utilizing respect and positive thinking to get needs metStudents will gain an understanding of the connection between maintaining health and successful re-entry. Students will identify resources, information and techniques to maintain proper mental and physical health.- Gain an understanding of stress and how excessive stress leads to impulsive riskydecisions.- Identify the key elements of drug addiction.- Evaluate and understand health insurance needs.- Understand the correlation of proper diet and exercise with good health.To have students evaluate their educational needs. Have students determine if further training is required to maintain a successful re-entry plan. Students will assess their educational goals and develop a plan for further training. Update students on the use of technology.- Generate a plan to gain skills that are required for personal and professional development- Establish education goals- Generate ideas and plans for sustaining education or training.Students will identify career options. Develop a plan to gain the necessary information needed for a chosen career. Students will gain the fundamental skills in creating a resume and by participating in mock interviews demonstrate the skills essential for job interviewing.- Find a career that fits their personality.- Begin process of establishing resources in a career field.- Create a workable resume.- Develop interviewing proficiency.Students will learn the importance of developing and maintaining healthy relationships. Students will begin the process of developing a support system and identify the characteristics of a genuine friendship. Begin to build a network that will give them support after release.- Demonstrate an understanding of the process needed to develop are-entry support network.Have students learn and understand how resiliency plays a crucial part in maintaining re-entry efforts. Identify and improve students existing resiliency skills. Examine methods of maintaining motivation toward goals. Gain information that improves the transition process.- Students will develop or increase confidence in reentry effort.- Have the ability to generate or expand an optimistic outlook.- Recognize situations where resiliency will be central to stability.- Produce an effective plan to maintain the over-all goal of maintaining freedom.