Publisher's Synopsis
Sin seems to be everywhere you look or move these days. Christians of today are plagued by thoughts of sin and being overpowered by it. They wonder and question how this can be? How can sin dominate my life if I'm committed to my faith? From young to old sin seems to follow us and dominate us, those inside the faith and out. The world is dark because there's little light, a door left open a crack to trickle a sliver through. There is hope, there is peace from sin and it's hold on us. We no longer have to be enslaved by unwanted desires and thoughts. In our second walk along our path to salvation, we'll discover how we can remove the sin from our lives and minds, to live the rest of our life free from the bondage of sin. Not only live free from sin, but to be in a relationship with our loving Father in Heaven. Come brother and sister, lets continue our walk together.