Publisher's Synopsis
Premonitions From Heaven is written from discoveries made through an amazing spiritual research project by Robert Mason. Through his research he inadvertently became clairvoyant. His gifts are locally acclaimed, having helped over 6000 people with clairvoyant readings that have brought through detail, including names, that no-one else could have known. He has the ability to see our Guardian Angels, see through to Heaven and see some of the future. Importantly, Robert receives numerous visions concerning climate change and the global pandemic. Those in Heaven are truly concerned about humanity and the future of our beautiful planet Earth. In this book Robert describes how we may personally find guidance from Heaven, as amazing that this may seem. We can be guided to stay safer, help others around and help save nature and the environment in positive ways. Never was there a better time for such a book to be published. You, the reader, are urged to be open-minded as you read through this book. It could change your life forever and help make the world a better, safer place. It may also help give you a happier future of life fulfilment.