Publisher's Synopsis
The Mickey Mouse Club is an American variety television show that aired intermittently from 1955 to 1994 and returned to social media in 2017. Created by the late Walt Disney and produced by Walt Disney Productions, the program was first televised for four seasons, from 1955 to 1959, by ABC.
The author, known to generations of fans as a Mouseketeer on the original Mickey Mouse Club and then as a dancing star on The Lawrence Welk Show, recounts his eventful life in this official autobiography full of humorous, heartwarming tales and behind-the-scenes showbiz stories.
In this book, you'll share the feel-good moments of the auhor's life, including:
-Skyrocketing to fame on the Mickey Mouse Club, and how rock 'n' roll was instrumental in getting Bobby his ears
-Landing a lifetime gig on the Lawrence Welk Show, and how Welk built an empire on the basis of a handshake and family values
-Finding success as a businessman with the Burgess Cotillions, and enjoying new happiness as a father and grandfather
-Bobby's poignant, final meetings with his two showbiz fathers, Walt Disney and Lawrence Welk
-Plus over four dozen photos from Bobby's personal albums