Philosophical Pamphlet

Philosophical Pamphlet First

Paperback (09 Jun 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This is my pamphlet. You should read this if you want a magical mystery tour of a flight of ideas; to discover and read a plethora of differing ideas; to enjoy novelty, which increases dopamine, the feel good hormone in the body for the reader. To enjoy a surreal amount of differing ideas, to come on an intellectual journey to enjoy differing intellectual ideas. It will be fun to read through this diary because you can explore inside the writing, which is a sign of my thoughts, which includes getting a peak into my mind. I have various thoughts about various things, you will not be disappointed, there are tones of very interesting and profound ideas explored in this pamphlet.

If there are contradictions in this book, take what you will, do not expect me to be perfect or have the word of God. This does not make me exempt from being contradicted; in fact, I would be more than pleased to know the other side because if I am wrong, I can only grow by being contradicted.

Please send positive feedback as well, tell me what you enjoy about this book.

Hope you enjoy!

Book information

ISBN: 9798518002142
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 26
Weight: 50g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 1mm