Publisher's Synopsis
As a parent, one of your jobs to teach your child to behave. It's a job that takes time and patience. But, it helps to learn effective and healthy discipline strategies.
This book is here to provide you with many of these methods. In reading this book, you will be guided through what to expect with your toddlers when they do throw tantrums, as well as what the most common reasons they threw tantrums are. You will be guided through what not to do, allowing you to see what is more likely to throw fuel on the fire rather than helping mitigate the tantrum process. You will then be given information about the importance of consistency throughout all of this.
This book covers:
-Why Toddlers Push Limits
-Talking to Toddlers
-Characteristics of Bad Application of Discipline
-Strategies to Establish Discipline
-Positive Discipline
-The Key to Cooperation
-Why Children won't follow our directions and much more