Publisher's Synopsis
Having a twisted bowel is like having a twist or loop that results in the obstruction of fecal matter moving through the intestines. The medical term for the condition is termed volvulus and it can occur in the small or large intestine. It may be referred to as small bowel volvulus or colonic volvulus respectively. Where the twist and obstruction are located will dictate the presentation of the condition.In humans, the bowels consist of the small and large intestine. The small intestine is further divided into the jejunum, duodenum, and ileum, and the large intestine is divided into the cecum, rectum, and colonThe most worrisome issue with a twisted bowel is that if the abnormality is not fixed in time, necrosis or cell death will occur due to the obstruction of blood flow to the area.In the western world, the incidence of small bowel volvulus occurs in about 1.7 to 6.2 percent of adults. It may be the result of a primary cause occurring in the abdominal cavity or more commonly due to a secondary cause such as due to an anatomic malformation, adhesions, tumors, or diverticula.