Publisher's Synopsis
THE ARMAMENT is a novel reflecting on an unbelievable lesbian lifestyle of WILLETTA R.
SMITH aka MAMADO, a very well known legendary icon born and raised in the city of
Jacksonville "DUVAL" Florida. Here you will experience the roller coaster ride of this
phenomenal female story from growing up in a good home with both parents to the streets and
her downfall landing her in prison!
MAMADO is not your average female. In fact she has unbelievable gifts and talents ranging
from being a Music Writer, to an Instrumentalist (playing all instruments), Singer, Producer,
Engineer, Film Writer, Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Sound Score & Folly Tech, Theatrical
Makeup Artist, Photographer, Digital Graphic Artist, Commercial Art (paint sketch & draw)
Clothing Designer, Seamstress, Tailor, Jewelry Designer, Disc Jockey & Tattoo Artist! But life
wasn't easy possessing such phenomenal talents with no money to invest.