Publisher's Synopsis
(in alphabetical order)
ARTIST: A painter with a tent at the festival. Act II scenes 1-3.
CHILD: A small boy, no help at all. Act I scene 2.
CULTIST 1: Ponos worshipper. Act III scenes 2-3.
CULTIST 2: ditto
CULTIST 3: ditto
FESTIVAL-GOER: One of many, this one has a line or two. Act I scene 4.
FRIED DOUGH MAN: He, um, sells fried dough. Act II scene 1.
GAME VENDOR: Runs a dodgy stall at the festival. Act II scene 2.
GAVRILA FOX: Teen spiderfolk, son of Gustav. Act II scene 2,5, Act III scene 4.
GIRL ORC CULTIST: Ponos worshipper. Act III scene 2-3.
GUSTAV FOX: A spiderfolk printer. Father of Gavrila. Act I scene 3, Act II scene 5, Act III scene 4.
IMERI CIRTAS: A cleric of Qotal, a wood elf. All scenes. Wears fairly expensive clothing, including a nice scarf.
JASMINE PAPPAS: A priestess of Ponos. A birdfolk elf. Act I scene 4, Act III scene 2-3.
JASMINE'S HELPER: A worshipper of Ponos and festival helper. Act I scene 4.
JEWELLER: A stallholder. Act II scene 4.
LADY: Mother of small boy. Some help. Act I scene 2.
MANFORD: A rogue. All scenes. Wears inconspicuous clothing. Ginger-haired.
MENDAX YARNSPINNER: A bard. All scenes. Slightly flamboyant clothing.
NAHIRI: Imeri's familiar, a flying snake. All scenes.
MANFORD'S SOCK: A not-too-convincing talking sock.
MENDAX'S SOCK: A very convincing talking sock.
MENDAX'S OTHER SOCK: Another talking sock. No relation.
MENDAX'S SOCK PEOPLE: Passers-by taken over by the socks. Act II scene 4.
NUSI: A bartender. Act I scene 1.
POLICEMAN: 'City Guard' actually. Act III scene 3.
POLICEWOMAN: 'City Guard' actually. Act III scene 3-4.
SERGE BHARANI: Teen anteaterfolk. Act II scene 2.
STALLHOLDER 1: A stallholder at the festival. Act I scene 4.
VICTORIA NADAR: A barbarian patchwork zombie. Act I scene 4 Act II scene 4.
YOSHIRO ALKOOLIKOS: A barbarian birdfolk. Ditto.
WHEELCHAIR MAN: Hoping for a handout. Act II scene 1.
There are also various crowd scenes which need extras. Much doubling is possible.
NOTE: all characters can be fully human unless otherwise noted.
Act I
Scene 1
Tables, chairs, glasses, bar stool, corkboard, flyer
Scene 2 -
Scene 3
Printing Press, piles of paper, baseball trophy, poster, laundry basket (full), pictures, cleats, baseball glove
Scene 4
Benches, streamers, ice cream and containers, soda cans, bridge
Act II
Scene 1
Booths, streamers, goods and food, wheelchair, collection cup, pictures, coins, small table, sign
Scene 2
Booth, Stack of cans, balls, coins
Scene 3-
Scene 4
Jewelry, weapons, lute, necklaces
Scene 5
Printing press, piles of paper, soda can
Scene 6
Booth, ice cream containers, monocle
Scene 1
Scene 2
Soda cans
AND, throughout the play, Nahiri the flying snake.