Publisher's Synopsis
As a small business owner, you may assume the IRS has bigger fish to fry than your small business operations. However, recent reports have cited that the IRS has increasingly targeted small businesses for tax audits.
There are millions of small business owners in the US, and the tax codes of this nation continue to change regularly. Also, there are several variations in taxes from one state to another. Don't get scared if you have never dealt with any of these issues before. Even if all this overwhelms you, take a deep breath because you have nothing to worry about. Once you get the hang of it, you will realize how easy it is. This simple guide will teach you steps.
In this book, you will discover:
-The different types of taxes for small businesses
-Importance of taxes for business decisions
-Rates of taxes payable
-Common tax practices for small businesses
-Filing for taxes
-Taxation mistakes to avoid
-Applicable deductions for small businesses
-Practical tax-saving tips
-Helpful applications for taxes, and much more.