Publisher's Synopsis
Siddarth is a one-legged pirate captain of a flying ship. Unlike most pirates, Sid hunts for more than gold and jewels, he searches for magical items left behind by ancient sorcerers. But when he meets Leona, the feisty daughter of a dead sorcerer, he has to reconfigure his plans when he learns that Leona intends to destroy the very treasure he is seeking. In the middle of all of this, another captain named Shears, a maniacal rival pirate, seeks to find the sorcerer's items too and now Leona and Sid have to get to the sorcerer's temple before Shears does. Sid is up for the challenge but he learns he is in for more than he bargained for with Leona as she tries to get him to see that there is something more important than gold, jewels, and magic.