Publisher's Synopsis
A shocking and horrific event, an historic encounter that has left millions of people in empathy and awe; this is the most riveting recount of Anne Frank's ordeal from almost a century ago. As many that have pondered on this, it has only etched a mark of mystery for most; the betrayal of Anne frank.
Through the lenses of a young Anne Frank in her diary while hidden in the attic, this book lays bare a relevant inquisition that brought up a burning question, what if Anne Frank knew she was going to be betrayed? As this question is delved into, a series of investigation is conducted to uncover the betrayer of Anne Frank while traversing with the emotional attachment of her diary which was written from a first person perspective; a diary that vividly portrays the fear and uncertainty of Anne frank.
This book, Demystifying The Betrayal Of Anne Frank: A Perceptual Look On The Diary Of A Young Girl has been written with care, conciseness and immense research by an antiquarian, Jennifer Gallagher to enable you connect all the dots of the investigations, uncover the conspiracy of Anne frank's betrayal while drawing clinical insights from her diary to enable you piece all the puzzles together.