Publisher's Synopsis
"Smash the control images. Smash the control machine." William S. Burroughs (God)
Zak Ferguson's final experimental novel. Part manifesto, part sci-fi pulp-story, part cut-up-method masterpiece, part scramble for worth, part petulant rant & so many other things. What is for sure, is it is Zak's worst work. Advanced Loathing: "An absolute mess of spasmodic tosh, and convoluted tosh. On the plus side, the narcissistic schizophrenic chimpanzee was a definite highlight. I just feel it would have been better were it an elephant." - Michael Maxwell (Comic-Book Artist) "I read it, and I am now washing the filth out of my contaminated eyes. Have booked a full frontal lobotomy to help clear my mind of this alleged writing." - Jonathan Traynor (Author) "if i wiped my ass with razorblades, photo-copied my cherry custard dook-nuker, and faxed the results to a pediatric hospice, i could only hope to generate the same kind of laughs i got from reading NODNOL."- Tommy Gene Suskind (DILDO & DOI-OI, HURT(IN)CORE FOR A SQUIRT(IN)CORE) "Nodnol is an the best possible way." - Richard Burgin (Writer & Director of FANG) "I was reading this aloud to my driver in France. Oh, how we all wet ourselves laughing. The driver had to wipe the tears from his eyes. Then everything went black." - Lady Diana via séance "Zak's Nodnol isn't the point here. The point is that my friend, Bennet Humphrey Dash, the shop owner in the blue building down the road, owes me $5.03 and a pack of cigs. I'm telling everybody to get the word out there. Which brings me to my next point: water melon and mint isn't half bad if you give it a shot, Bennet. You just have to get over your fear of the colour green, grab life by the horns, and invest, invest, invest in the Fax revolution, as the proverb goes. It's really a no-brainer: head to the post office, buy some mint, bring it home - just consider it and stop objecting, Dashy-boy -, put the mint in a jar or behind your favorite chair, and that takes care of that. It's simple, easy, and affordable. Follow me on Patreon for more political commentary and easy craft ideas."
-Wandrew Caenaus, author of "Socrates, The Inside Scoop; or, Just One Sip Shouldn't Hurt" (Forthcoming, 2099) "Gettin rudely woken up at 6am to read what amounts to a sad, redundant, and unsympathetic attempt at engaging the language to generate another world is a fate I only wish on people like the author." Tim Lewis (Texan Resident and Part-Time Farmer) "London... Nodnol. Zak's zookeeper opened the gates for a nightery of nights, where panic and life seem alike. Don't be fooled by the slip-dash coverlet, under the glop and strip of this venereal substratum is a parasitic revelation that will open you, flay you, bring you to your senses, and then send you on your way in ways that we'll not belabor. If you guess the inverted labyrinth's deepest laughter in this sordid book of awakening, then you'll rise to the downswing of a schizogenesis machine that produces only the non-conformity behavior of a slipstream humanoid whose method of insanity is to become sane. Read this and laugh, read this, and leave your drudge world behind. But don't forget to take this strange book with you... I'll need it when I become you!"
- Notes from an Alien Dreamer (Kaz Nosugref) WARNING: The cover might be better than the actual prose. WARNING: The editor would like to admit his failure at doing any editorial work on this book. WARNING: The author is no longer putting work out, of this nature, ever again. NEVER SAY NEVER. (He just did)