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Parenting for the Future

Parenting for the Future Raising Children in a Technology-Driven World

Paperback (12 Mar 2023)

  • $11.72
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Publisher's Synopsis

"Parenting for the Future: Raising Children in a Technology-Driven World" is an essential guide for parents today. From smartphones to the use of the internet to social media, children are constantly exposed to new forms of technology and media. This book provides parents with the tools to understand the risks, benefits, and potential pitfalls of raising children in a technology-driven world. Parents will learn how to set boundaries, how to communicate effectively with their children, and how to provide appropriate guidance.
How to promote responsible online behavior among youth, Children and Emotional Intelligence In The 21st Century, Digital literacy, and lots more are the topics discussed in the book.
With expert advice and up-to-date research, this book will help parents create an environment where their children can thrive and develop healthy relationships with technology. Get a copy for yourself and your family to discover the secrets to raising children in this technology-driven world. HAPPY READING!

Book information

ISBN: 9798386826796
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 40
Weight: 68g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 2mm