Publisher's Synopsis
There are a number of reasons why most traders don't make a lot of money. This is not just limited to the naïve or beginners but traders who have lots of experience and education as well. This book will enlighten you on why this is so. Remember, Currency, Stock, Bond, Cryptocurrency etc. trading is like a zero sum game in which a majority of traders lose and contribute to the enormous incomes enjoyed by a few traders. Read this book if you want to be able to trade and then go up against the smartest of traders, well informed big league traders, skilled traders and trade profiteers while expecting to win consistently. The advice herein is better than any other advice as it enables you to join the top 2% traders when you understand how much the odds are stacked against newcomers and traders who aren't able to break into the top 5% traders. Forex Trading will be used to guide you on how to come up with profitable trading opportunities across the board. You can trade in: Currencies, Metals (such as Gold, Palladium, Platinum, Silver, Copper etc.), Energy Products (such as Oil, Gas etc.), Commodities (such as Wheat, Corn etc.), Indices, Shares etc.