Publisher's Synopsis
High School: Harrison Bentson is a young aspiring football player. When theater enthusiast, Hailee Kensic enters his life, Harrison becomes interested in the art of acting. An accident causing the death of a friend, Josh, also caused him to lose the ability to play football throughout the rest of the school year. He became close with Josh's sister, Jessica and they helped each other move on from the unexpected events. This created the opportunity to put his new found interest into action. Leaving the team tension grew between his cousin Bryan and best friend Luke.
College life: Moving on from High School, Harrison finds himself involved in something bigger then he expected, involving a girl he thought would make a great friend. Meeting Andy, Ray, and Ryan they helped make the college experience better, but the over hanging event made Harrison rethink his college goals. Hoping for a better experience then his last year of High School. Harrison made the best out of what happened.