Publisher's Synopsis
"Bad Intentions" tells the story of Kayla Jensen, who winds up in a shelter for teens after her wealthy parents kick her out for a crime she didn't commit. Forced to live on the street, she eventually meets some friends at a shelter, including an elderly lady who offers her a place to stay. As she and her friends begin working at a bar, Kayla witnesses a murder and decides she's the one to solve the crime. That's only the beginning, as she and her friends find themselves stealing diamonds from a dangerous man and trying to save Kayla's sister from men who are looking for her. She meets a handsome guy who distracts her from discovering her family secrets, and her estranged mother comes back into her life with suspicious timing. When murders continue happening and friends go missing in Forney, the evidence points to members of her family. Kayla must decide if she wants to figure out the details of these murders or ignore the facts that could become her worst nightmare.
As she sticks her nose in grown folks' business, she experiences far more danger than she could ever imagine, risking her life and everyone close to her in pursuit of the truth. With action, drama, romance, betrayal, family, mystery, and murder, "Bad Intentions" is a thoroughly entertaining work of fiction. Ages thirteen to eighteen will love this roller coaster of mystery from beginning to end.