Publisher's Synopsis
Synopsis: - A delightful tale set in the lively town of Quirkville. When spirited kangaroo Kiki and her clever but grumpy friend Stinky the skunk discover that mischievous hyenas are trying to kidnap baby rhino Ronnie, they spring into action to save him. With the help of a quirky crew-including a wise owl, a flamboyant peacock, and a timid tortoise-Kiki and Stinky devise a chaotic rescue plan. As they face slapstick challenges and comical misunderstandings, they learn that teamwork and friendship are the keys to overcoming any obstacle. In a heartwarming conclusion, the group celebrates their bravery and the importance of community, reminding young readers that standing up for what's right can lead to unforgettable adventures.
Part Of The Book: - It was another bright and sunny day in the bustling, eccentric town of Quirkville. The air was filled with the chatter of the town's many animal residents, each one going about their quirky, daily routines. At the heart of the town, Kiki the kangaroo bounced energetically through the busy streets, her powerful legs propelling her forward with each enthusiastic hop.Kiki was always full of energy, never able to sit still for long, and today was no different. She was out and about, looking for her next adventure. "Something exciting is bound to happen today!" she said to herself with a grin. But little did she know, excitement was already brewing-and it wasn't the fun kind.
Across town, in the shade of the big, old baobab tree, Kiki's best friend Stinky the skunk was lounging. Stinky, in stark contrast to Kiki's boundless energy, was a grumpy, no-nonsense sort of fellow. He preferred quiet and peace, especially after lunch, when his belly was full, and the sun was warm on his black-and-white fur. The last thing Stinky wanted was excitement. "Ugh," he muttered, rolling his eyes as Kiki hopped toward him. "What are you so happy about this time?"
"Stinky!" Kiki exclaimed, skidding to a stop in front of him. "I've got a feeling something big is going to happen today. I can sense it!"
Stinky yawned and scratched his head lazily. "Yeah, yeah. Every day's big for you. Can't a guy nap in peace?"
Before Kiki could respond, something unusual caught her eye-a group of scruffy, sneaky-looking hyenas lurking around the corner of the town's market square. They were up to no good, and Kiki knew it. "Hold on, Stinky," she said, her playful tone turning serious. "What are those hyenas up to?"
Stinky lifted an eyebrow and glanced over, immediately narrowing his eyes