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We Get to Be From A to Z

We Get to Be From A to Z

Paperback (30 Oct 2024)

  • $29.04
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Paperback (08 Nov 2024) $27.04

Publisher's Synopsis

Meet Otis, an adventurous 9-year-old boy who embarks on a fun and thoughtful journey through the alphabet, discovering all the ways "we get to be"! Each letter brings Otis a new word that helps him understand not only who he is but also how to celebrate others. For instance, he explores traits like being compassionate, daring, and grateful, learning how to embrace these qualities within himself and recognize them in the world around him.

As he journeys from A to Z, Otis discovers that we all get to be something special and that every day presents an opportunity to grow, learn, and celebrate what makes each of us unique. This adventure encourages readers to reflect on their own traits, embrace diversity, and appreciate the differences that make us all extraordinary. Join Otis on this delightful journey, where every letter is a chance to explore the wonderful possibilities of being ourselves!

Book information

ISBN: 9798343069587
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 70
Weight: -1g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 5mm