Publisher's Synopsis
Synopsis: -
In the peaceful town where animals and humans live in harmony, Henry the hippopotamus and his clever friend Remy the rat enjoy a leisurely life. However, their world is turned upside down when they uncover a sinister plot led by Felix, a cunning fox intent on seizing control of the town. Armed with wit and determination, Henry and Remy embark on a thrilling adventure through hidden tunnels and elaborate traps to stop Felix from taking over. Along the way, they face dangerous foxes, outsmart tricky situations, and rally the townsfolk to their side. In a twist of fate, they discover Felix's real plan wasn't the mythical vault they were chasing, but the tunnels beneath the town. Through quick thinking and teamwork, Henry and Remy foil Felix's scheme, save the town, and return to their quiet life by the river, always ready for the next adventure.
Part Of The Book: - It was a golden afternoon in the whimsical town where animals and humans coexisted in perfect harmony. The sun shimmered on the surface of the river, and the gentle breeze rustled through the leaves. At the riverbank, Henry the hippopotamus and Remy the rat were enjoying their favourite pastime-an afternoon picnic. The scene looked peaceful, but beneath the calm, a brewing adventure awaited.
Henry, with his slow, lumbering movements, munched on freshly baked bread. His large, kind eyes gleamed under the warm sun. Beside him, Remy darted around, his tiny paws constantly at work as he nibbled on bits of cheese. The two made an amusing pair-Henry's massive frame a stark contrast to Remy's swift, clever movements.
"Remy, my friend, there's nothing quite like this," Henry said with a satisfied grunt, reclining on the grassy riverbank. "Just the two of us, good food, and no worries."
Remy nodded, though his sharp eyes never stopped scanning their surroundings. "True, Henry, but you know me-I love a little excitement now and then. There's always something going on in this town, and I can't help but wonder what mischief might be lurking today."
Henry chuckled, his round belly jiggling. "Mischief, you say? You always want an adventure. Sometimes, I think that curiosity of yours is going to get us in deep trouble."
Remy grinned. "Trouble? Me? Never!" His whiskers twitched with amusement, but his gaze shifted toward the town. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed. "Wait... what's that?"
Henry, noticing the change in his friend's tone, sat up. "What now, Remy?"
Remy hopped onto Henry's back, scanning the horizon. His sharp eyes locked onto a group of foxes slinking toward the bakery. They moved stealthily, their bushy tails swishing back and forth. "There! Look at those sneaky foxes!"