Publisher's Synopsis
A high-quality bilingual children's story in English and Armenian, translated by Aregnazan Avetisyan, a professional Armenian translator with vast experience in translating literature both for adults and kids. Aregnazan Avetisyan has translated the novel "The Unbearable Bassington" by Saki/Hector Hugh Munro, many children's stories, and short stories. This edition features a toddler girl and her mom. There's another edition with a toddler boy and his mom. The book has 32 pages per industry standards and 16-page spreads as an eBook on the Kindle app. Complimentary activities and lesson plans can be downloaded on the author's website.
During a magical evening, a mother and her child explore the beauty of the nocturnal world and discover the enchanting spectacle of bioluminescence. This poetic bedtime story celebrates the strong bond between a mother and her child, and the splendor of nature surrounding them. Մի կախարդկան երեկո մայրն ու իր փոքրիկը հետազոտում են գիշերային աշխարհի գեղեցկությունը և հայտնաբերում կենսալուսավորության մի սքանչելի տեսարան։ Քնելուց առաջ փոքրիկների համար կարդալու այս հմայիչ, գեղագիտական պատմությունը մոր և երեխայի միջև կապի և նրանց շրջապատող հիասքանչ բնության մասին է։ Some key themes weaved in the story: ✓ Bonding✓ Babywearing
✓ Bioluminescence
✓ Diversity
✓ Love
✓ Nature
✓ Positive parenting This book makes the perfect gift for toddler girls with mixed cultural heritage. It's also a great addition to the libraries of children who learn English and Armenian, language teachers, librarians, and parents who raise bilingual and multilingual kids speaking these languages. Perfect for all children ages 1, 2, 3, and up, depending on their fluency level in the target language. The large fonts and a white or black background make it ideal for early readers. "A Sea of Stars" is also available in more languages and bilingual editions. If you're reading this on, etc, visit the .com / USA Amazon website and Goodreads for more reviews.