Publisher's Synopsis
Synopsis: -
Mark, a boy yearning for adventure, discovers a magical portal in his backyard and steps into a vibrant jungle world called the Kingdom of Monkey. There, he meets Momo, a mischievous monkey, and is taken to meet Queen Bananas. She reveals that Mark is destined to help their kingdom, which is threatened by the sinister Kingdom of Serpents. Mark, excited yet nervous, begins his journey to learn about this new world and the role he must play in saving it.
Part Of The Ebook: -
The dense jungle that stretched out before him was alive in every sense of the word. Towering trees soared above, their leaves gleaming in the sunlight like polished emeralds. The vibrant green foliage was dotted with bursts of colour from exotic flowers, and the air was thick with the sounds of chattering birds and rustling creatures.