Publisher's Synopsis
When Earth's Mightiest Heroes Departed, Humanity United to Protect Their World The universe's most powerful champions had been summoned to an epic battle light-year away, leaving planet Earth undefended. As they valiantly fought interdimensional threats, an insidious alien armada seized this opportunity to initiate their hostile invasion of the vulnerable human home world. With no seasoned superheroes to rally behind, the people of Earth found themselves united against a common alien menace for the first time in history. Nations cast aside their differences, rivals became allies, and the human race banded together as one in a desperate attempt to repel the extraterrestrial aggressors. In this darkest hour, humanity's boundless ingenuity and unwavering determination sparked to life. Scientists and militaries from every civilization combined top-secret research, pooling knowledge and resources on an unprecedented scale. Corporations, governments, activists, and civilian populations locked arms to contribute whatever they could to the resistance effort. Using revolutionary collaborative methods, the united people of Earth conceived, designed, and manufactured a powerful new weapon to combat the alien invasion force. Volunteers from all walks of life manned this extraordinary creation, channeling the collective courage, intellect, and spirit of humankind into an unstoppable force. When the final battle came, it was not a lone super-being who defended Earth that day. Instead, it was the whole of the human race, giving their all in glorious solidarity, that achieved the impossible. From the ashes of near-defeat, humanity's unified strength and unbreakable spirit birthed a new breed of heroes - forged in the fires of desperation yet fueled by
the endless potential of our species. On that fateful day, the people of Earth proved that when we put aside our differences and combine our unique skills, no enemy is insurmountable. Humanity became...Extraordinary