Publisher's Synopsis
One thing is very clear, artificial intelligence (AI) is going to change our world forever. And the change is likely to be more profound than most people realize today. No matter what job you are in, no matter what business or industry you work in, AI is going to augment, if not completely transform, it.
AI is giving machines the power to see, hear, taste, smell, touch, talk, walk, fly and learn. This in turn means businesses can develop completely new ways to interact with their customers, offer them much more intelligent products and service experiences, automate processes and boost business success.
Having said that, we also know there is a massive amount of hype and confusion about AI. Some see it as the ultimate threat to our civilization, while others believe AI is the savior that's going to solve humanity's biggest challenges, from tackling climate change to curing cancer. The aim of this book is to cut through the hype and scare- mongering, and provide a cutting-edge picture of how AI is actually being used by businesses today.