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Special and Delicious Recipes With Tomato Sauce

Special and Delicious Recipes With Tomato Sauce Creative Ways To Use Tomato Sauce

Paperback (07 Aug 2024)

  • $13.13
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Publisher's Synopsis

"Special and Delicious Recipes with Tomato Sauce- Creative Ways To Use Tomato Sauce" is finally here. The ultimate tomato sauce based cookbook is ready and available worldwide. It's the cooking guide that will exceed any expectations. It's the most accessible and easy to read cookbook you'll find these days.

"Special and Delicious Recipes with Tomato Sauce" is the most helpful guide for the best and most delicious recipes made with tomato sauce. You won't find anything similar too soon.

Tomatoes are an ingredient that can add flavor and so much taste to any dish. The tomato sauce is rich, very textured and so versatile. It can be combined with so many different ingredients and it can add taste to any meal. Don't wait too long! Get a copy of this magnificent cooking guide right away and get ready to impress everyone with your dishes and cooking skills.

Book information

ISBN: 9798334730144
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 134
Weight: 191g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 7mm