Publisher's Synopsis
Cross Dresser is a bold and captivating tale set in a hidden world where werewolves walk among humans, their identities concealed by magic and deception. The story follows a young werewolf, who, to protect his pack and himself, adopts a human disguise that goes beyond mere clothing-a cross-dressing persona. Navigating life between two identities, he must balance the struggle of hiding his true nature while grappling with the complexities of love, loyalty, and belonging.
Caught between the expectations of his pack and the dangers of being discovered, he finds unexpected companionship with someone who is drawn to the enigmatic nature of his false self. As the line between human and wolf, truth and lie, blurs, he faces a choice: continue living in the shadows, or reveal his true form, risking everything-including his heart.
Cross Dresser is a daring exploration of identity, self-acceptance, and the lengths one will go to protect what they love, set in a supernatural world where secrets run deep, and the moon watches over all.