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Pumpkin Punch and the Poisoning of a Few

Pumpkin Punch and the Poisoning of a Few

Paperback (18 Sep 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

At the beach, the only things scarier than the sharks are the witches.

Avery Baldwin is taking a minute to catch her breath. Now that the summer's over and things have gone back to normal in the little town of Buenaventura Beach, she's looking forward to spending her days teaching students how to create works of art and her nights cuddling with Chance and his son, Cubby. But on Halloween, when Avery, Chance, and Cubby go visit the coffee shop, The Witch's Brew, they find trouble waiting for them.

While standing in line to get a cup of Beatrix Weston's signature pumpkin punch straight from the cauldron, a man takes a sip and immediately starts choking. Just before he dies, he warns others not to touch the drink.

Accusations fly. Most people think Beatrix poisoned the punch. But Avery can't let her friend take the blame for this accident. So, she rises to Beatrix's defense immediately.

Can Avery figure out what caused the man to keel over in the middle of the Fall Festival celebration? And...can she find who's really at fault before the witch hunt turns serious?

Book information

ISBN: 9798330428816
Publisher: Mindy Killgrove
Imprint: Mindy Killgrove
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 266
Weight: 290g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 15mm