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Wendi the Friendly Witch Diaries Book 2

Wendi the Friendly Witch Diaries Book 2 The Right Potions - Wendi the Friendly Witch Diaries

Paperback (31 May 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Wendi has discovered that Steve is causing trouble all over the Jungle area. He is tormenting the Zombies, stealing from the Villagers, and even taking freshly-brewed potions out of her Hut. Wendi knows that the Skeletons have promised to help her drive the mischievous adventurer from the area in return for her brewing skills.

If she can transform them back into the Zombies that their ancestors had been, she will have a fearless army and even a friend named Maximus. The problem is that Wendi has no idea how the Skeletons had been transformed in the first place. Long ago a Witch had used a potion to curse a group of Zombies. This potion has long since been lost to the Witches of the Overworld. With the help of Maximus, the Skeleton that she hopes most to befriend, Wendi sets about on a mission to create a new potion. One that will reverse the curse from so long ago. Do Wendi, Maximus, and her Wolf, Wilfred, have what it takes to change history?

Book information

ISBN: 9798330207466
Publisher: Mark Mulle
Imprint: Mark Mulle
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 70
Weight: 104g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 4mm