Publisher's Synopsis
In the heart of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky lies a forgotten city established by Scottish pioneers over 170 years ago. "A Mile Below Paradise" weaves a tale of mystery and adventure as three best friends, Jenny, Lucy, and Abigail, embark on a quest to uncover the hidden treasures of the lost city, Airdrie. Their discovery of a long-lost connection to Airdrie's past reignites the spirit of exploration and courage that once thrived in its inhabitants.
Join the trio as they Delve into the fascinating lives of Airdrie's inhabitants: a famed general, a wealthy Kentuckian, and a cast of unforgettable characters. Through their modern-day journey, readers will be transported back in time to witness the resilience and ingenuity of those who dared to build a new life in Kentucky's rugged landscapes. "A Mile Below Paradise" is a captivating blend of history and adventure that will keep readers engaged until the very last page. Unlike the fantastical Atlantis, Airdrie was an actual, thriving city. Even today, the skeletal remains of its Scottish heart can be seen from the shore of Kentucky's Green River. To capture the mystery, the author meticulously unearthed the forgotten echo of Airdrie's inhabitants. This isn't just fiction; it's a meticulously researched journey to unravel the captivating riddle of how a bustling ironwork town rose from the wilderness, only to be swallowed by the same unforgiving land.