Publisher's Synopsis
What if someone instigated riots all over the world? What if that sinister person convinced the world leaders that a small microchip was necessary on their shoulders to keep everyone safe, like cattle? What if that evil mastermind then called for the epic "Great Gassing" via drones to "calm everyone down"?
What if I told you that somewhere in an alternate reality all of this truly happened?
Adam, an ordinary unsuspected hero, must save the world with the help of the rebels to free Earth from the Dictator's reign of slavery. The young hero learns much on the way to victory. He learns that everything that you need is truly within you.
"Adam the Alien" is a story of good versus evil. It is a young romance and the coming-of-age of a superhero. It is a refreshing blend of exciting entertainment and conspiracy theories, wrapped up in a tale of fascinating fiction with a compelling, fantastically real storyline. An unsuspected, young hero discovers that he is a supernatural alien and is destined to save the world.