Publisher's Synopsis
There are countless tales woven around the legendary figure of Santa Claus, but amidst them all, one rings true-the story recounted by none other than Santa Claus himself. Spanning thousands of years, it begins with Nicholas, the son of humble merchants, whose journey unfolded into a profound mission of love and generosity. His altruism not only transformed his own life but also left an indelible mark on millions of others. Discover the enchanting narrative of how Nicholas forged friendships with elves, unravel the mystery behind his tradition of gifting toys, and understand why he chose the remote North Pole as his abode. Delve into the secrets of his airborne sleigh, and unravel the myriad true facts behind the cherished Christmas mission that has captivated the hearts and imaginations of generations. Explore the answers to the questions you've always pondered and dreamed about, as told by the venerable Santa Claus himself.