Publisher's Synopsis
Increase Your Productivity, Reduce Stress, and Get Home on Time at Last! More than one million people worldwide are getting their work done and improving the way they feel at work thanks to Kerry Gleeson's revolutionary program, The Personal Efficiency Program. Now, it's your turn. Find out how to get organized, navigate technologies like portable communication devices and e-mail, run a no-nonsense meeting, juggle all the players in the new global business environment, and carve out more time to do what you really want to do. We all struggle to balance work life and personal life; this audio book will help you work more quickly and efficiently, freeing time for you to fulfill your other duties as a parent, a spouse, or a friend. This updated Fourth Edition of the ultimate labor-saving, stress-busting, career-boosting guide helps you take complete control of every challenge and chore you face at work. Revised and retooled to address the evolving demands of the modern workplace, it shows you how to: - Learn to organize yourself to act - Stop feeling overwhelmed and free yourself from stress - Get things done with the least amount of effort - End e-mail overload - Are your meetings a waste of time? Make them effective and efficient! - Spend less time at the office and more time kicking up your heels