
Exsilium A Heart-Wrenching Story of the Search for Survival at the Dusk of the Roman Empire - Roma Nova Thriller

Paperback (27 Feb 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Exile - Living death to a Roman

AD 395. In a Christian Roman Empire, worshipping the traditional gods is a death sentence. Three Romans, Maelia, Lucius and Galla, faithful to their beliefs in Rome's thousand-year religion and values, must choose. Do they stay, hoping for the best, or leave Rome forever - a rupture from everything they know - to search for a safer life?

Maelia Mitela, her dead husband condemned as a pagan traitor, leaving her on the brink of ruin, grieves for her son lost to the Christians and is fearful of committing to another man.

Lucius Apulius, ex-tribune, faithful to the old gods and fixed on his memories of his wife Julia's homeland of Noricum, will risk everything to protect his children's future.

Galla Apulia, loyal to her father and only too aware of not being the desired son, is desperate to escape Rome after the humiliation of betrayal by her feckless husband.

For all of them, the only way to survive is exile.

Sequel to JULIA PRIMA (Historical Novel Society Editors' Choice). Set at the dusk of the Roman Empire, the origin story behind the modern Roma Nova thriller series.

Book information

ISBN: 9791097310387
Publisher: Pulcheria Press
Imprint: Pulcheria Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 370
Weight: 467g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 21mm