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Passion in Poems

Passion in Poems

Paperback (21 Sep 2023)

  • $33.82
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Publisher's Synopsis

Dive deep into a realm where emotions converge, and souls dance to the rhythm of words. "Passion in Poems" is an evocative collection that speaks to the heart, delving into the myriad shades of love, longing, and life. Each piece is a raw exploration, capturing fleeting moments that ignite the spirit and awaken the senses.From the tender whispers of first love to the turbulent storms of heartbreak, these poems traverse the vast landscapes of human emotion, celebrating the highs and lows of passion. Whether it's the gentle touch of nostalgia or the fiery embrace of desire, every stanza promises a journey that resonates with the universality of human experience.Unravel the threads of emotion woven into each verse and allow yourself to be transported by the power of poetry. "Passion in Poems" is not just a book-it's an intimate affair with the deepest corners of your heart.Dare to feel, dare to dream, and let your spirit soar with every page.Copyright (c) 2023 Swan Charm Publishing

Book information

ISBN: 9789916392867
Publisher: Swan Charm Publishing
Imprint: Swan Charm Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 100
Weight: 109g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 5mm