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Zhan Zhuang: The Art of Nourishing Life

Zhan Zhuang: The Art of Nourishing Life

Hardback (27 Jul 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Zhan Zhuang, the Art of Nourishing Life is the exploration of an ancestral practice: Zhan Zhuang, the practice of physical and meditative postures. Through this practice, a continual process of adjustment, learning, and purification takes place; it is a process by which the mind and body mutually integrate, triggering the unification of the self and its surroundings.

It is through this form, which in ancient China was named symbiosis--a process by which the mind and body merge together with the Tao--that an infinite field of possibilities opens to us, both in the treatment and prevention of diseases, and at the level of development of latent potential within us.

In Zhan Zhuang, The Art of Nourishing Life, Dr. Yu Yongnian not only unveils the heritage of martial and purifying arts--previously available only in an unintelligible language--but also translates them into an accessible form that reveals the laws governing the body and the mind.

Book information

ISBN: 9789881525741
Publisher: Discovery Publisher
Imprint: Discovery Publisher
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 182
Weight: 374g
Height: 149mm
Width: 223mm
Spine width: 14mm