QUERYING AND MINING UNCERTAIN DATA STREAMS - East China Normal University Scientific Reports

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Publisher's Synopsis

Data uncertainty widely exists in many applications, and an uncertain data stream is a series of uncertain tuples that arrive rapidly. However, traditional techniques for deterministic data streams cannot be applied to deal with data uncertainty directly due to the exponential growth of possible solution space.This book provides a comprehensive overview of the authors' work on querying and mining uncertain data streams. Its contents include some important discoveries dealing with typical topics such as top-k query, ER-Topk query, rarity estimation, set similarity, and clustering.Querying and Mining Uncertain Data Streams is written for professionals, researchers, and graduate students in data mining and its various related fields.

Book information

ISBN: 9789813108776
Publisher: World Scientific
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 006.312
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 164
Weight: 431g
Height: 10mm
Width: 6mm
Spine width: 18mm