Solved! The Maths Mystery Adventure Series (Set 1)

Solved! The Maths Mystery Adventure Series (Set 1) - Solved! The Maths Mystery Adventure Series

Hardback (15 Aug 2023)

  • $36.12
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Publisher's Synopsis

Join The Code Breakers as they tackle exciting puzzles that lead to deeper investigation and intrigue! Matthew, Bell and Jimmy have always loved Maths. Little did they know that their hobby would eventually lead them to work with the police, take them to different countries and meet with all sorts of dangers that would test them to their limits!Each book in the series is a new adventure that invites readers to help solve Maths puzzles and codes, together with the three friends. Solutions are provided, and the stories also come with interesting and educational fun facts to grab the interest of readers.This set includes two titles: The Downfall of the Two Kings and The Stolen Aztec Treasures.

Book information

ISBN: 9789811269684
Publisher: Ws Education (Children's)
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 228
Weight: -1g