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Correctional Rehabilitation and Psychological Interventions in Singapore

Correctional Rehabilitation and Psychological Interventions in Singapore Practitioners' Experiences in Singapore Prison Service

Hardback (02 Apr 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Psychologists and correctional rehabilitation specialists in the Psychological and Correctional Rehabilitation Division of the Singapore Prison Service have been instrumental in designing and delivering the rehabilitation work with offenders. This book seeks to capture these experiences in the area of rehabilitation, and the anecdotal experiences working with different groups of offenders on the ground.It provides a first-hand look at the application of offender rehabilitation principles in practice. It also provides details on the experiences and challenges of working in a correctional context through the anecdotal sharing. To this end, the book aims to provide a practical and practitioner lens, overlaid with theoretical concepts, to the practice of correctional rehabilitation. While there have been experiences and insights documented, this will be the first book that documents the anecdotal experiences in Singapore Prison Service.

Book information

ISBN: 9789811267352
Publisher: World Scientific
Imprint: World Scientific Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 365.6672095957
DEWEY edition: 23/eng/20230329
Language: English
Number of pages: 280
Weight: 544g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 18mm