Great Leader, Dear Leader Great Leader, Dear Leader

Great Leader, Dear Leader Great Leader, Dear Leader Demystifying North Korea Under the Kim Clan

Paperback (01 Feb 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Great Leader, Dear Leader is an absorbing expose of North Korea under the Kim clan--Great Leader Kim Il Sung and his son, Dear Leader Kim Jong Il. It traces the origin of the regime's ideology and investigates its attempts to fill the empty state coffers through missile technology sales and other unorthodox schemes. It examines the regime's relations with South Korea, the countrywide famine and the juche ideal, the "military first" policy, and the nuclear weapons program.

Bertil Lintner, one of the very few Western journalists to visit North Korea in 2004, aims to demystify rather than demonize the least known of the "axis of evil" countries by interviewing Koreans from both sides of the divided peninsula as well as ethnic Koreans in Japan and leading Korea experts outside the country.

About the Publisher


Book information

ISBN: 9789749575697
Publisher: University of Washington Press
Imprint: Silkworm
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 290
Weight: 313g
Height: 215mm
Width: 142mm
Spine width: 21mm