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Iron Ox

Iron Ox Part Four of the "Marshes of Mount Liang - Marshes of Mount Liang

Paperback (31 Dec 2002)

  • $27.86
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Publisher's Synopsis

Iron Ox contains chapters 63-90 of the original and can be divided into four main sections. The first of these is very much concerned with the question of the leadership on Mount Liang. Iron Ox is prominent in the second section, probably the most varied and entertaining part of this volume. The third section is concerned with the count's various attempts to subdue Mount Liang by force or win them over with an amnesty. The fourth section begins with the granting of the amnesty and the first campaign in the Emperor's service against the Liao Tartars. This part ends with an encounter which foreshadows the campaign against Tian Hu in Volume 5, The Scattered Flock.

Book information

ISBN: 9789622019898
Publisher: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
Imprint: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 512
Weight: 642g
Height: 144mm
Width: 213mm
Spine width: 27mm