Publisher's Synopsis
To cope up with the increasing population in India, the only option left with us is to tap every channel of nutritional food (as prolonged under-nutrition, over-nutrition and malnutrition and associated infections take their toll on the general health) for the security of life and sustainable development. The revolutionary wave like, green revolution, white revolution, red or yellow revolution and blue revolution have left foot-print in the development of human life and contributed a lot to sustain the economy of the nation. Fortunately, we have plenty of natural resources like, aquatic and open land, costal belt and oceanic resources with rich faunal diversity. Livestock (animal resources) are important contributors to total food production. Recent increase in livestock products appear to be even more spectacular than those achieved for cereals from green revolution. Most notably, egg production has increased by 33 per cent over the last two decades, compared with 127 per cent for meat production) equivalent with 58 per cent of that of meat production. The role of animals in food and agriculture development programme is under rated almost everywhere throughout the world despite the increasing demand inspite of the fact that livestock play an important part in securing food, health and livelihoodof the farmers around the world.