Publisher's Synopsis
Empowering rural women in every sphere of livelihood generation and maintenance process creates an ambience for developing the new plethora of women empowerment. The present book has been conceived to empowering the rural women in case of engaging them in developmental process through appropriate realm of livelihood generation process. The appropriate selection of beneficiary for receiving the exact benefits from different avenues is the need of the hour to address the issues associated with the deprivation and drudgery. The book is much more concerned with the lime lighted issue of women deprivation and drudgery as a hindrance of women empowerment through inappropriate selection of women beneficiary in case of attaching them in the developmental process. This book is an epitome of knowledge related to the enhancement of knowledge, skill and acumen in case of pursuing research and policy support on selection of women beneficiary and their role in case of women empowerment in rural areas. This book can also serve as a guide for the agricultural extension practitioners and researchers of post graduate studies involved in similar kind of dissertation work. Finally, this book can help the researchers, policy makers to formulate effective strategy towards appropriate selection of the women stakeholders for their empowerment in real sense.