Publisher's Synopsis
If you are learning electronics or thinking of it as a future hobby, here are some fun home-improvement projects to begin with. These DIY electronic circuits:
- will be extremely useful (particularly in emergencies),
- are quite easy to make and
- will not waste your time or money.
Just one of these projects uses AC (alternating current). The rest work on DC (direct current) and are safe for kids (if you are confident soldering is safe).
These projects are good for the environment too, as they reuse electronic parts that would have been discarded. If you are a prepper or survivalist, then you will be happy that all the projects will run off-the-grid, as they can consume renewable energy.
For the tinkerer, there are projects that add MORE POWER than what the manufacturer had designed for. For the parent of lazy children, there are annoying alarms that can wake up the dead.
The circuit designs are explained in plain English. No exotic projects or obscure concepts. Simple and straightforward.