Publisher's Synopsis
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get everything easily while others don't? Are you tired of waiting for yourife to change? Howong are you willing to wait till your circumstances change magically? 30 Days is a simple, fast-paced book where you willearn what it takes to create theife you want. In this book, international bestselling author Marc Reklau introduces the readers to some proven tips, tricks and exercises that can improve theirife beyond imagination! All it takes is following them constantly and persistently. More good news: You can start by creating new habits and working towards your goals consistently, doing things that bring you closer to your goals every single day. This book shows you how to make it possible. You can do it! You deserve it! Thirty days does make a difference and you CAN really create a happier, healthier and wealthierife. All you have to do is stop waiting and start acting!