Economic Doctrine and Method

Economic Doctrine and Method An Historical Sketch

Paperback (04 May 2020)

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Hardback (05 Jun 2003) $375.45

Publisher's Synopsis

Almost every aspect of economics now rejoices in an ample literature, but there remains a curios shortage of competent books on the history of economic thought. It is for this reason amongst others that the late Professor Schumpeter's brilliant early treatment of the development of Economic ideas is so highly valued. This classic little book is divided into four sections: the first chapter gives a broad survey of economic thought from the days of Aristotle to the beginnings of modern times, the second chapter traces the development of the conception of the circular flow of economic forces, the third deals with the main theorems of the classical flow of economists, and the fourth chapter describes the genesis of the school of marginal utility.

Book information

ISBN: 9789350026458
Publisher: Aakar Books
Imprint: Aakar Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 207
Weight: -1g
Height: 250mm
Width: 150mm
Spine width: 20mm