Publisher's Synopsis
Sets out the information, advice, and step-by-step instructions needed to teach people with disabilities how to develop their many abilities. The manual is the outcome of more than a decade of efforts to give the millions of people with disabilities living in developing countries an effective modern technology for improving their daily lives. Emphasis is placed on rehabilitation procedures that will help people perform such activities as eating, dressing, communicating, moving around, playing, going to school, and taking part in work and social activities. At the heart of the manual's information and instructions is a consensus technology that combines the indigenous solutions worked out by the people themselves with the technologies accepted by experts in rehabilitation. The manual, which has close to 700 pages and over 2 000 illustrations, consists of four training guides and 30 training packages. The training packages, which constitute the core of the manual, present material for seven types of disability: seeing difficulty, hearing and speaking difficulty, moving difficulty, feeling difficulty, strange behavior fits, and learning difficulty