Golden Quartz Rones Bookshelf Edition

Golden Quartz Rones Bookshelf Edition

1st edition

Merchandise (20 Mar 2012)

Not available for sale

Publisher's Synopsis

Golden Quartz's qualities are well-being, optimism, spiritual awakening 25 runes set, in velvet pouch, with box and instructions

About the Publisher

Lo Scarabeo

Born in 1987 in Torino, Italy, Lo Scarabeo is now a leading international company in the mind, body and spiritual health publishing, with a main focus in Tarot publishing. Lo Scarabeo is one of the most important Tarot publishers in the world. Tarot decks from Lo Scarabeo are printed in several major languages, including English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Russian and many other. They are easily recognizable from their unique taste for illustration and excellence in every detail. Lo Scarabeo product lines include more than just Tarot: books, board games, playing cards, accessories, runes, stones & crystals, incenses, notebooks and journals.

Book information

ISBN: 9788865271728
Publisher: LO SCARABEO
Imprint: Lo Scarabeo
Pub date:
Edition: 1st edition
Language: English
Weight: 372g
Height: 118mm
Width: 125mm
Spine width: 55mm