Publisher's Synopsis
This book analyses 45 selected textiles -- burial offerings and mummy bundle wrappings -- discovered in 1997 at a cliffside burial site overlooking Laguna de los Cóndores in the cloud forest of the northern Peruvian Andes. The find includes the best preserved and largest cache of Chachapoya textiles known to date, providing researchers with a unique opportunity to learn about little-known Chachapoya weaving techniques and style. Most of the textiles date to the Chachapoya-Inka period, ca1470-1532, although some may have been produced earlier or may date to Spanish Colonial times. The styles include local Chachapoya, Chachapoya-Inka, provincial Inka, Inka and imports from the coast or the tropical lowlands. In 2001 Lena Bjerregaard spent some months at the museum in Leymebamba analysing the textiles from Laguna de los Condores, and the book is the result of this research.