Publisher's Synopsis
Son muchas las personas que necesitan un cambio. Porque sienten que no progresan. Porque atraviesan una crisis en su pareja. Porque no saben cuál es la mejor forma de educar a sus hijos. Porque tienen problemas para relacionarse con los otros. Porque tienen capacidad pero no saben cómo expresarla. Si eres una de esas personas, en este libro encontrarás pautas y estrategias sencillas para lograrlo.
There are many people who feel that they may need a change, perhaps because they feel there's no progress going on in their lives, or because of turmoil going on with their partner, or because they don't know how to educate their children, or perhaps because they have trouble relating to others around them. If you are one of those people, this book will offer you
simple guidelines and strategies to help you.